Latin American Webquest

Today we are going to go on a Latin American Webquest!

Image result for latin american revolutions
The objective here is to understand why and how so many Latin American countries became independent in a VERY short time.  What made them successful and what did not?

You have already learned about Haiti's independence.  As you research Latin America, please keep the similarities between Haiti and these other countries in mind. 

Stop 1:  Map Time!

A)  First, please label your map of Latin America with these current countries:

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rico, Ecuador, El Salvador. Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela 

B)  This is a map of Latin America in 1800.  Shade in the areas of your map according to which European country was in charge. 

Stop 2:  Social Hierarchy in Latin America

Scroll down to the section starting with "In today's society we use the term 'complex society'....."  

A) Draw a pyramid of the social structure in Latin America that you will find in this article.

B) What was the conflict between the creoles and the peninsulares?  You will find that discussion here.

Stop 3:  Causes and Effects of Latin American Revolutions

Scroll down here to the bottom to determine these:
A)  Fill in the chart.

Stop 4:  Unforeseen Opportunity!  Read this!  (Go to 2nd paragraph.)

A)  How does Napoleon fit in to the Latin American Revolutions? DRAW this!

Stop 5:  Independence Timeline 

Image result for timeline clipart
Here is a timeline of when countries declared their independence.  
A)  Mark the years the country declared independence on your map.

B)  Question:  What do you notice about these dates?  What seems important?

Stop 6: Bolivar:  El Libertador!

A)  So,....why ARE there so many statues of Bolivar?  Write a 5-bullet point summary of his accomplishments / leadership skills.

B)  List countries on at least 3 continents where you can find a statue of Bolivar.  Here is a start....

C)  What is Gran Colombia?   How did Bolivar and San Martin work together?

Stop 7:  Mexico!

AND / OR Read this article:

A)   Why is Father Hidalgo considered the “father of Mexican Independence”? 

B)  What were the major causes of this revolution?  

C)  Why is it ironic that the conservatives ultimately brought about independence in Mexico in 1820?  THINK HARD!:  Was this revolution more politically based or social?
D)  What was Iterbide seeking for the following?  
Mexican government :

Catholic Church:

Mexicans of Spanish decent:

Mexicans of mixed or pure native blood:

Image result for brazil independence

     Stop 8:  Brazil -- Different!  

Read this article 
A)  Why was Brazil was different from everyone else in Latin America in terms of independence?


      Stop 9:  Effects of Latin American Revolutions

Read page 670 in this reading.
A)  What were 3 negative consequences of the Latin American Revolutions?

Stop 10:  Bringing it all Together

A) Big Picture Ideas:  Brainstorm all hat is common about these revolutions.

B)  In your own words, explain the successes and failures that these Latin American countries had post-independence.

Stop 11:  Extra Credit:   The Short History of the United Provinces of Central America.

Read this article from Britannica:  A Short-Lived Country 
This story represents all of the challenges of Latin American independence.
A)  Draw an outline on your map around the countries that made up this country that lasted only 12 years.

B)  List 3 elements of this country's history that reflect other challenges in Latin  America and / or other revolutions we have studied.


In your assigned pair / three, you will make a Children's Book Page or two explaining your section.  
1.  Please make sure that you create your book pages in LANDSCAPE.  Each page should have Text and an Image (or drawing).    
2.  Name your book:  Revolutions in Latin America - Your Topic - Your Names
Image result for book creator app icon3.  Upload to Google Drive
4.  Share the ePub file to
5.  I will try to put everything together into an e-book for us!



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