Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Studying For Exams

Hello MWH! You GOT this.  :-)

Image result for exam studying

I want to give you a few updates before the exam.

  1. I will be asking you to complete a reflection after the exam.  If you would rather complete it ahead of time, that is totally fine.  Here it is!  I will not look at anything until July, but it will help me out for next year.
  2. Bring your IPad or phone to the exam so that you can do the reflection if you do not complete it ahead of time.


  • The exam has 32 multiple choice questions and the open response that will feel like what we have completed all year. There are some questions that are independent of Ms. Pritchard's class.
  • 96% of the test is on Q4 (Genocide, Cold War, China, India, South Africa, Syria, Israel / Palestine, Iran, ISIS), so focus your time on reviewing class materials and readings from that section.
  • FYI - There will be some questions that will be reading questions to assess your skills of reading non-fiction texts.  

I will see you on tomorrow at 8!  I have loved getting to know you! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Time to Share Your Brilliance

Image result for brilliance inspiration

Tuesday, June 12
Time to Share Your Brilliance!


I can complete an awesome demonstration of my group's analytical brilliance.
I can share and evaluate my peers' work.


  1. 20 minutes to finish table and complete reflection.  Hang up your periodic table.  Reflection is here.
  2. 20 minutes to walk around and hear from designers.  Pick half of your group to stay and explain while the other half walks around.
  3. Then, pick your superlatives (Anonymously!)
  • Most interesting overall design
  • Deepest exploration into our curriculum.
  • Coolest category
  • Most effective design element
  • Best job evenly addressing the whole year.
  • Best connection you had not thought of.
4.  5 minutes on reviewing quiz.


Come in with your review sheet marked up by which terms you know well, which terms you need help with, and which terms you feel like you have never seen.....

Friday, June 8, 2018

Day 3: Finish that Table

Image result for good design

Friday, June 8

Monday, June 11

Finish that Table and Make it Sing!

I can make my new understandings clear, cogent, and elegant.

BIG Day for getting this together!  PUSH yourselves.  Be SUPER creative.
Take out your rubric to make sure you know how I am grading.
Use this time to think DEEPLY.  Be careful about making your categories TOO general.

REMEMBER:  You need to turn in:

1) Periodic Table w/ Key Square

  • At least 40 elements
  • Clear Labels

2)  Written Explanation - PRINTED and on Classroom.


1)  Finish it all up!
2)  Start reviewing for the exam.  Review sheet is here.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Day 2: Periodic Table

Wednesday, June 6
Making The Complicated Clear......

Image result for order out of chaos

Image result for order out of chaos quote 


I will work with my partner(s) to construct some organizing principle to our Periodic Table.


1)  Discuss ways to sort.
2) By the end of today, you should have your guiding structure for the two axis for your chart.
3) You should also have at least 40 terms to work with for these two axis by tomorrow.
4) Juxtapose categories against each other;  decide what belongs, what needs to be added, etc.   terms on yellow stickies; start creating labels.
5)  Discuss the messiness of this process:  you may need to add terms, remove terms, change categories.
6)  Work time


1) Fill out this form about dividing work.
2) Bring in materials (poster board, colored stickies / cards, etc.)  for last class day
3) Make sure you have your 40 terms on stickies for tomorrow!

(Individual Grade Based on Group Reflections)
Criteria #1: Is aware of one’s strengths and asserts oneself in a way that uses strengths to enhance the group’s work

Criteria #2: Always adapts effectively to different group situations
Criteria #1: Is involved in group work

Criteria #2: Adapts effectively to different group situation
Criteria #1: Is only somewhat involved in group work

Criteria #2: Recognizes the need to adapt to different group situations but experiences challenges doing so
Criteria #1: Is not involved in group work

Criteria #2: Does not recognize the need to adapt o different group situations
Criteria #1: Is not involved in group work and seeks to sabotage the group’s work

Criteria #2: Is unwilling to adapt to different group settings

Future Thinking:

Exam is next Friday. Here is the study guide!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Making A Periodic Table of History!

Image result for periodic table

Monday, June 4 (ORANGE)

Tuesday, June 5

Warm Up:

 Sort the pile of Legos on your desk.


  1. Classify and connect groups and issues we have studied throughout the year (and maybe back to World History too!)
  2. Take a lot of complicated information and present it in a visual way that conveys a lot of information in an elegant way.


  1. Discussion of periodic table.
  2. Discussion of project.  Project Assignment is here.
  3. Discussion of Correlation and history.  
  4. Sorting within your color categories (one at a time!).  By end of day, should have the HW categories sorted in multiple ways.
  5. Here are your groups:


Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6
ArekDannyAndersAnnaliseAlyssa BMelaina
JoshHannahLukeGraceAlyssa PNick
LaurenLindsayMegamKelseyJordan Sofia


Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5
MaidelisDamienSamanthaMaddiJake H.
MikeJake SSamnbridiMeganPreston

Group 6

Important Links:


Complete the homework on Classroom.  Come up with TWO more categories that seem interesting to you. Find 8 - 10 examples of each category. If you can, make sure you bring in all of these terms on yellow stickies to play with tomorrow.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Middle East Assessment

Show Me What You Know!

ORANGE:  Friday, June 1
BLUE:  Monday, June 4

Image result for middle east test


You can demonstrate your understanding of the following Middle East conflicts: Israel / Palestine / Iranian Revolution / ISIS / Syria


  1. Fill out the form via THIS link.
  2. Quiz
  3. After the quiz, start the assignment I made for you on Classroom with the takeaways.
  4. Discuss Periodic Table Project.


Here is a list of unit terms for the year. These are the words you will start with to make categories.
1) Please complete the Takeaways assignment on Classroom. You need FOUR takeaways with 3 examples each.

2) In addition to the takeaways, please create a list of 2 categories that apply to our curriculum over the year.   For each category, come up with at least 8 ideas / terms that apply. You can use the terms we have OR you can use other terms or ideas that connect to what we have studied. I have already sorted by unit, so you need to find 3 others.

Here is a copy of the final assignment:

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Syrian Civil War

ORANGE:  May 31, 2018

BLUE:  June 1, 2018

Syrian Civil War


  • I can explain how the Syrian civil war started.
  • I can explain the complex relationships that are a part of and surround the Syrian civil war.


1) Lecture: Syrian Civil War. Graphic organizer is here.
2) Film Clip: Syrian Civil War (from 1:10 - 6:50)

3) Group Activity: Mapping the Conflict
4) Pick partners for last project. Here is the form.


Quiz tomorrow on our middle east unit!