Monday, September 25, 2017

Quiz and Amusement!

Image result for amusement park rides

September 25
Prove to me what you know and then Work Hard!


Turn and talk to your neighbor to ask any questions you might have about what you studied for the quiz.


Show me what you know about Absolutism, Revolutions, and The Enlightenment!
I can work with my group to convey important enduring understandings to our study of revolutions.
I can create an effective analogy and represent it creatively.


Group time on project - by the end of class, please make sure you have completed  the graphic organizer for your ride.
Look at your Checklist to plan!


1)  Please have one person turn in your analogy sheet on Google Classroom before next class.  It is OK if it is not fully complete, but submit what you have.

2)  Each person should divide up the work and tell me what you are going to do for the project for Monday.  Here is a Google Form for this.

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