Monday, September 11, 2017

Revolution: Day 3

Image result for storming the bastille

Revolution:  Day 3


How might a poor person in the 19th century possible be influenced by Enlightenment thought?


I can identify the three social classes making up French society.
I can classify social, political, and economic reasons why the French may have had a revolution.
I can identify with a member of French society to explain the conflict in France in 1789.


    • Brief Lecture: Ancien Regime, Three Estates -- Look at image, hunger and problems All graphic organizers for today are in our Google Shared Folder . (Day 3)
    • Simulation
    • Individual Activity: Role Cards
    • Group Activity: Review Roles
    • Brief Lecture: Louis Calls the Estates General, Tennis Court Oath  (5 minutes)
    • If time: Storming the Bastille - show video


Read and study guide /notes for 23.2.

Ticket To Leave:

Go back to your Causes of the French Revolution sheet.  Do you need to add anything?

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