Monday, October 23, 2017

Convince Us That Your Non-Profit is Best!

Image result for persuading someone

Monday, October 23
Pitch Day!


  • I can efficiently and effectively convey why my non-profit organization is best positioned to solve the problems of the Industrial Revolution.
  • I can judge my peers' work and consider what is the best way to solve various issues around the Industrial Revolution,


1)  Take your dollars and your notes sheet for the pitches.

2)  You will have EXACTLY 3 1/2 minutes to pitch.  Then I shut you off.  We will pitch in this order: 

Dangerous Working Conditions
Child Labor and Education
Coal Mine Condition
Housing Conditions
Dissolution of the Family
Long Working Hours
Unequal Treatment of Women

3)  Group Collaboration Sheet


Please complete the individual student reflection form here.  (Remember, you only need to provide DETAILED examples for three of the criteria.)

Here is a study guide for our Q1 exam!

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