Wednesday, October 11, 2017

IR Day 4: New Economic Thinking Responses to the Industrial Revolution

Image result for economic reform industrial revolution

Industrialization Day 4:

Money changes Everything

(or.... how 19th century thinkers dealt with the challenges of Industrialization) 

(Blue Class:  Wednesday, 10/11
Orange:  Thursday, 10/12)

Warm-Up - 2 Things on Google Classroom

1)  Please upload your 25.4 notes to Google Classroom


1)  I will understand how economic thinkers grappled with the challenges caused on society by the Industrial Revolution.

2)  I can describe the differences between communism, socialism, and capitalism.


  1. Smart / Lecture - You can get a graphic organizer in our Shared Folder on here.
  2. Here is a copy of the powerpoint slides that show the images of the Industrial world from two perspectives.
  3. Discussion of capitalism. Filling out organizer.
  4. Mini video that quickly explains the differences in economic systems.
  5. Partner Activity on Socialism and Communism.
  6. Discussion of letter to the editor assignment.  Assignment on Classroom and here.


1.  Quiz on industrialization on Friday.
2.  Industrialization letter to the editor due Monday on Classroom. LOOK AT THE RUBRIC!!!
(HINT:  If you do the letter first, you will definitely save time studying for the quiz!)


I know that this discussion of economic responses can be difficult.  I like this reading from Vern Cleary's history book on the responses to the effects of the Industrial Revolution.

Ticket To Leave: Here is the link!

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