Tuesday, November 14, 2017

NIC Day 9: Imperialism in Japan - Learning Through Images

Imperialism in Japan:  A Different Tactic...

BLUE:  Tuesday, 11/14
ORANGE:  Wednesday, 11/15

Image result for japan images meiji


1) share your homework (28.2) with me on google classroom
2)  Create a sentence on this Google Form:  Link is here:  


 - I will be able to  use images to demonstrate the  transformation of Japan between 1853 - 1905 

- I will be able to compare Japan's experience with imperialism to that of other regions we have studied


1)  Examination of images from Meiji Era.  GO is here if you want it.  Images are here.
2)  Work on second column -- analyzing meaning of images in context of imperialism.
3)  Complete the notes boxes with at least 1 - 2 per box.
4)  Discussion


Complete up to and including China on your summarizing graphic organizer that we started last week.

Ticket To Leave:

You can find this here:

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