Saturday, December 9, 2017

WW1 Day 7: Total War and Propaganda

Monday, December 11
This postcard uses the Union Flag and the icon of the Bulldog to show Britain, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand and South Africa standing united against a common threat, 1915.

Warm Up:

What do you remember about total war from American Studies?


1) You should be able to identify the reason behind WW I propaganda and identify some of the tactics used to persuade.
2) You should be able to define total war and explain how people's lives on the homefront were impacted by this.


1) Graphic Organizer is here.

2)  Mini-Lecture: Total War
3)  4 minute Video is here.

4)  Censorship:  discussion and activity
5)  Propaganda:  Definition and Discussion
6) Methodology and look at propaganda posters.   (15 minutes)

7)  If extra time go to this link to look at various propaganda posters by country. 
Here is a good link about looking at propaganda from a British perspective.


Read and notes  29.3 (1709 - 1712) and 29.4 (p. 1719-1724)

Ticket To Leave:

Go to Classroom and / or fill in this form.

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