Monday, December 4, 2017

WW1 Day 3: World War 1 on the Western Front

Image result for trench warfare

Monday, December 4


Write 2 examples of each of MAIN on your graphic organizer.


- I will be able to explain how the industrial era made World War I different from other wars
- I will be able to describe the life of a soldier during WWI
- I will be able to describe the involvement of at least 3 non-European countries in World War I, explaining what made WWI a world war


Video of Mobilization

1)  Quick recap of German offensive.

2)  Video clip on the horrors of the war.  Link to BBC documentary is here.
Schlieffen Plan 3:34 - 5:24
Battle of the Marne:  33:04 - 35:43
Trench Warfare: 40:55-44:01

3)  By 1:40, Life in the trenches (picture share)  Google Slide Presentation is HERE.

4)  If we have time, Gallipoli Battle as example of trench warfare
Bad News
Massacre (2.39)
Final Push (2.12)

Downton Abbey Trenches
Another good History Channel on trenches

5)  Documents and Graphic Organizer for this day that includes information on Life in the Trenches.


For next class, bring in 2 PRINTED copies of  a TYPED DOUBLE SPACED letter home from the point of view of a soldier in the trenches.  Be detailed and clear.  I want specific images and descriptions, and I want a good sense of the emotion that a soldier would feel. Don’t be afraid to do some extra reading and research here.  You can also use the documents and photographs we covered in today’s class to help inform your letter.  You do NOT have to cite information in your letter. This letter should be at least a page long, double spaced, specific, and emotional.

(Extra Fun:  check out this battle game of World War 1!  You might need to look at it on a PC because it needs a mouse.)

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