Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Day 14: Writing, Quotations and Counterclaims

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Day 14:  Writing, Quotations and Counterclaims
Wed., January 31
Thurs., Feb. 1


I can understand when it is appropriate to put a quotation in my paper.
I can put a counterclaim in my paper.

Warm Up:

Make sure that your rough draft is in your shared folder with me.  I will check for completion as a homework grade.


  • Discussion:  When should you put in a direct quotation?  How much quotation?
  • Discussion of transitions and context.
  • Where should your counterclaim go?  It should ideally have a specific source that you rebut.
  • Writing time.

Sample Counterclaim Model
Thesis:  Industrialization hurts the people of the industrialized country.

Does not meet expectation: might not have evidence, might not have counterclaim,

Meets Expectation:  Some might say that industrialization improved the overall British economy; however they failed to take into account that 97% of workers lived in poverty.
Evidence disproves counterclaim by supporting the overall claim of the paper.

Exceeds Expectation:  Some might say that industrialization improved the overall British economy; however the economy only grew X % so that did not really have tangible benefits.

Evidence disproves the counterclaim rather than proving the claim.


Rough Draft due 9:00 pm Friday!

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