Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Russian Revolution Day 3: Power of Slogans

Russian Revolution Day 3:  Power of SlogansBLUE:  Wed., February 14ORANGE:  Thurs., Feb. 15

Image result for sloganImage result for sloganImage result for peace bread land


  • I can excel on an assessment on the Russian Revolution.
  • I can effectively engage in the discussion about slogans and power.


  • Quiz
  • Quiz reflection.
  • Partner Activity on Slogans with 2016 Election.  GO is here.
  • Discussion
  • Wrap-Up:  what is your takeaway from our work with slogans and political campaigns?
  • ORANGE:  Fiesta!  Google Doodles.


  • Complete Graphic Organizer on How To Make a Revolution and submit on google classroom before the start of the next class

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