Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Totalitarianism Day 6: Propaganda As Totalitarian Tool

Tuesday, March 6
Totalitarianism Day 6:  Hitler, Propaganda, and Purging Culture

German retro propaganda poster
Poster from 1932 German Elections:  The Workers Have Awakened.  Choose the National Socialists
Image result for propaganda
"The German Student:  Fights for the Fuhrer and the Future"


Look at the above posters.  What makes them persuasive?  What is the message?


I can identify ways in which the Nazis used propaganda to cement their power.
I can classify Hitler's views on propaganda with hashtags.
I can identify 3 critical elements of Hitler's rise to power.


1)  Hashtags for Propaganda.  Summarize your assigned propaganda with a tweet on Class
2)  Quick look at Nazi propaganda.
3)  Discussion of tool: Creating and Enemy / Purging Culture
4)  What Rights Are Important to Me?
5)  Anti-Jewish Policy and Nuremberg Laws  (Here is the link)

BONUS Learning (because this stuff is SO interesting!):  

  • This article on Nazi propaganda has some other interesting images.
  • This article from Foreign Policy Journal is about how modern day Russia uses propaganda as a military tool.
  • And finally, this article has a really nice overview of the rise of Hitler, the Beer Hall Putsch, etc.


Complete second Totalitarianism tool for tomorrow.
Start thinking about the diary entry assignment.

Ticket To Leave:

As you leave the room, tell me which law surprised you,

Tuesday, March 6
Rise of Hitler

Video:  People's Century Master Race

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