Monday, March 19, 2018

WW2: Day 3- Axis Advance: Nanking

Image result for japanese militarism

Axis Advance - Asia: Nanking

Monday, March 19, 2018 (Orange)

Tuesday, March 20, 2018 (Blue)

Do Now:

1)  Talk with your partner:
How do we know what we know about history?


I can identify and use point of view to better determine what happened in Nanjing.


1)  Point of View Activity on Nanjing.  Graphic organizer is here.
2)  Chalk Talk


1)  Complete reading / notes on 31.4.  This is a good time to make sure you have read all the required reading for this unit!

2)  Extra Credit Option for up to three points:  Write a textbook excerpt and create an image about any topic we have completed this quarter from TWO very different points of view.  Each excerpt should have at least two unit terms mentioned as part of the excerpt and share at least one event.  This will be due by Friday via email.

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