Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Cold War Day 2: War Around the World

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Cold War Around the World



I can explain how the Cold War played out across the world.
I can name ways in which the United States and the USSR tried to push their particular agenda in different parts of the world.


  1. Work around the room with your group to determine how the Cold War played out in Guatemala, the Congo, and in Eastern Europe.  All the stations are up on the drive.
  2. Fill in your graphic organizer with ways in which the artifacts increase your understanding.  (7 minutes per station)
  3. Complete the summarizer on the back of the sheet.  Then, with your group, determine a creative way to visually represent your findings.  *We may need to complete this tomorrow.)

Ticket To Leave:

Visually demonstrate how the Cold War played out across the globe.


Read and notes 33.4 for homework.

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