Friday, April 27, 2018

Day 4: end of the Cold War

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Friday, April 27
End of the Cold War


I can explain the key reasons why the Cold War ended.
I can connect the different philosophies from the East and the West to how the Cold War ended.


1)  Quick overview of the end of the Soviet Union. 
Ideology of Soviets (7:15 - 9:30)
Government Listening / Control (14:51 - 15:11)
Gorbachev:  (26:30 - 30:00)
Political Revolutions (30:42 - 32:06)
Berlin Wall (33:40 - 37:00)

2) Documents and Annotations about the end of the Cold War.  Documents are here.
2)  Graphic organizer is here.
3)  Discussion of DBQ.  DBQ is on Classroom.  It is due Monday at 8:00.


DBQ due on Classroom for Monday.  Make sure you use enough context to show me that you understand the Cold War!

Ticket To Leave:

What is an enduring understanding you have from the Cold War?

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