Tuesday, May 1, 2018

China Day 2: Cultural Revolution

Image result for reader's theater

Tuesday, May 1 (BLUE)

Wednesday, May 2 (ORANGE)

China's Cultural Revolution

Image result for china theater beijing


1)  With your partner, discuss how Mao lost power following the Great Leap Forward.


I can list 2 ways that Mao tried to regain power with the Cultural Revolution, following his loss of power during the Great Leap Forward.


1)  Quick Intro Cultural Revolution. Here is the graphic organizer.
2)  Readers' Theater Planning  Readings are here if you you need them online.
3)  12:30  Start Presentations
4) Collaboration Rubric.  Please fill out this form

Here is useful video about the Cultural Revolution.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqAS7yKirEw&feature=fvst (35:00 - 36:00;  38:04 - 39:56);  45:10 -


Finish your Ticket to Leave / Reflection.

Ticket To Leave:

Link is here.

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