Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Day 6: End of Empires: - Satyagraha

End of Empires Day 6:  Satyagraha

Image result for satyagrahaImage result for satyagraha


  • I can identify what strategies Gandhi used in India’s fight/resistance against imperial power.
  • I can dig deeply into the concept of Gandhi's satyagaha.


What methods did Gandhi use to help gain independence? Use your reading.


1) Group activity satyagraha. Quotes are here.
2)  Show end of film and discuss.
3)  Start work on Choice Activity:  Found Poem or Reflection.  These are up on classroom or are in the Class Folder.


1)  Complete satyagraha reflection / found poem for tomorrow.  If you need more time, email me.

1)  Read and notes 34.1.  But you really only need to read 2006 - 2010 and 2013 - 2014 about Pakistan. But you might want to read 2012 to learn about India today.

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