Friday, November 3, 2017

Nations in Competition Day 4: India

Friday, November 3

Image result for british imperialism in india

Warm Up

Get immediately into your groups from yesterday to finalize discussion of Africa,


I will be able to describe the impact of imperialism in Africa.
I can understand the basics of the British colonization of India.
I can identify positive and negative impacts of British colonization.
I can practice header / sorting skills.


  • (BLUE)  Complete Africa Jigsaw.
  • India Mini Lecture.  Link to GO is here.  Link to presentation is here.  
  • Card Sort for India.   I do not think you will need this but here is a link.
Extra Cool Article:

'But what about the railways ...?' ​​The myth of Britain's gifts to India


For Monday:  Complete Africa writing and complete and turn in on Classroom.

Ticket To Leave:

Should the British need to teach about their colonial period in India?

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