Wednesday, November 1, 2017

NIC / Imperialism Day 3: Africa Scramble and Jigsaw

Image result for African resistance 19th

11/1:  BLUE
11/2:  ORANGE

Day 3:  Scramble for Africa and Africa Jigsaw

Warm Up:

Go through your notes on Africa. Determine what questions you may have and discuss with the person next to you.


I can explain how western European countries tried to carve up Africa for their own uses.
I can explain how Africans tried to resist European imperialism.


Africa Scramble
Read Articles. The articles all live in our class folder.
Thesis Writing and Assignment.  Here is the graphic organizer.  I would very much like you to complete this FROM the copy on Classroom/  Sheet and paragraph due on Monday.


Read and study guide 27.4.

Ticket To Leave:

From what we have read so far, tell me one motive for imperialism that seems to be connected to imperialism in Africa.

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