Monday, January 29, 2018

Day 12 Complete Analysis Sentences

Day 12  Complete Analysis Sentences

Image result for analysis


Go into your detailed outline, and copy it all into the rough draft assignment on Google Classroom/


Discuss Analysis.
Try to complete all analysis sentences by today.  Mark them in pink.


Due Class 13 (Tueday BLUE / Wednesday ORANGE):  Complete all analysis sentences PLUS one full body paragraph in class.

Due Class 14 (Wednesday BLUE / Thursday ORANGE):  Complete Introduction paragraph and three TOTAL body paragraphs.

Due Class 15 (Friday):  Complete Conclusion paragraph and all body paragraphs.  Complete rough draft due by 6:00 pm Friday.

Due Monday, February 5:  Final Version of Bibliography in Chicago Style.  (And we will be peer editing, so if you do not have your complete rough draft for peer editing in for Monday, you will lose half credit for that assignment,   Remember that there will be a really important and fantastic football game the night before this is due, so be prepared!

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