Friday, January 26, 2018

Day 11: Finish that outline! Start analyzing!

Image result for historical analysis

Friday, January 26


I can use strong writing and analysis to prove my topic sentences AND my thesis.
I can honestly look at my evidence to make sure that it proves what I want it to prove.
I can find new and better evidence if I need to.


1)  If you still need to complete your detailed outline, please do that today.
2)  Double check on the following before you turn in the outline.

  • Make sure each of your examples has years associated with them,
  • Then put those examples in order chronologically (unless you have a good reason not to.)
  • Do all of your examples have SPECIFIC evidence?  If you need help on this, please look at this Specific Evidence hangout.
  • Do you miss the forest for the trees?  That is, if there is something BIG (like a revolution or independence or a change in government system) do you reference that either in the Section Intro or in the evidence? I noticed many of you had good hyper specific details but missed the big picture.
  • Are you using a wide variety of sources in EACH paragraph?
  • Does the source you have contain an author's name?  Make sure you go look for that!
3)  IF you complete that, here is your next step.  On your detailed thesis, write an analysis sentence for each piece of evidence.    Highlight your analysis sentence in pink.
4)  Work on analysis.  We will probably chat through the analysis more tomorrow but either way, here is a handout about that.  Here is the Powerpoint.

Homework due by 9 pm tonight:

Detailed Outline

Homework due MONDAY in class:

At least 5 pieces of your evidence with analysis sentences highlighted in pink on your Detailed Outline.  (Just unsubmit the outline to do this.)

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