Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Day 6: NOTES!!!

Image result for notecard

Tuesday, January 10
Day 5: NOTES!!!

Ms. Pasternak will not be in today, Tuesday. 

You should have 15 notes already that you did last night.

1)  Go back to your CPT 2 and brainstorm search terms that will help you take notes.   A graphic organizer for this is on Classroom.

2)  Take notes to help you answer that focus research question. Each one should be a different fact / useful thought etc.  If you pick an article that seems to be saying exactly the same thing, then go to a DIFFERENT article.  You should be looking at deeper secondary sources and academic journals -- not encyclopedias. 

3)  By tomorrow, you should have FIFTY notes from 5 sources. (15 from last night, 15 during class, 20 tonight.)  In total, these should come from 5 different secondary sources.

4)  If you get stuck with the research, go see Ms. Landry! 

1)  GO on Search Terms
2)  50 notes / notecards / ideas total due tomorrow.

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