Friday, March 2, 2018

Totalitarianism Day 4: Fascism in Italy

Friday, March 2

Image result for mussolini education]
Indoctrination as a Tool for Totalitarianism


Look at the photos.


I can understand how Mussolini used indoctrination to maintain his fascist power.


1)  5 minute discussion of national anthems and the Pledge.  Link here.
2)  Indoctrination and Fascism discussion.
3) Video on Mussolini (4:50 - 16:46) .  Fill in chart of tools of totalitarianism while you watch!

4)  Photo Analysis:  See Think Wonder.
Here are the photos you can choose from.


Read and notes on Hitler from World History Connections To Today.  Here is the reading.  And here are guided notes if you would like them.

Ticket To Leave:

Share with your table partners which picture you chose and what your person's perspective was.

Added Bonus Article:

This is a good summary article on Mussolini.

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