Monday, May 21, 2018

Middle East D1: Post WW1 Middle East

Image result for map of middle east

Monday, May 20 2018

BLUE Middle East D1:  Post WW1 Middle East


I can explain the geography, leadership differences and 20th century history of the Middle East.


What do you WANT to know about the Middle East? Why does it matter?

Spend 5 minutes looking at the questions we generated last class.  If you were absent, get ready to chat.


  • Discussion about End of Empires
  • Introduction mini-lecture. Slides are here.
  • Pairs Activity: Chart. Here is a copy including the map. You may really want this to be electronic!
  • Small group research on seven middle eastern countries. Here is a country graphic organizer for you. Here is a map copy. Here is the Freedomhouse link about democracy. This is also a good organizing link to the World Atlas.
  • Group Activity: Extending Thinking. Here is the GO for that.


Read/notes “Arabs and Jews, Palestinians and Israelis - One Homeland Two Peoples”.  Be prepared for a reading quiz. Here is that reading.

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