Monday, May 21, 2018

Middle East Day 2: Creation of Israel

Middle East Day 2:  Creation of Israel / Palestine

Monday, May 21 - ORANGE

Tuesday, May 22 - BLUE

Image result for history of israel and palestine


On your GO, read the two textbook entries and answer the question with with the person next to you .


I can explain 2 different perspectives on the creation of the Israeli state.
I can explain how borders have changed within Israel / Palestine since 1947.


1) Take notes on the mini-lecture on Israel / Palestine
2) Watch video (up to 8:36) and answer questions.

3) Discussion.


None tonight!

Ticket To Leave:

What facts do we have about Israel and Palestine that are NOT disputed?


Remember that this is a challenging topic.  You have to put your critical thinking hats on at all times.
Here is an organization that is a watchdog on what they consider pro-Israel news coverage.
Here is an organization that is a watchdog on Palestinian media.

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